South Africa: boat captain missing, search begins

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South African authorities are intensifying efforts to locate missing charter boat captain John Matambu after his vessel, the Magnum Too, was found burned and abandoned on a beach in Mozambique. Matambu and an unknown man who hired him for a trip have not been seen since Saturday, prompting concerns of foul play.

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) raised the alarm after the pair failed to return to Sodwana Bay as scheduled.The discovery of the charred wreck raised suspicions, especially as Matambu’s cousin reported finding a petrol canister and a medical kit near the boat. Additionally, the man who hired Matambu provided false contact details and boarded the boat alone, despite booking for himself, his wife, and a child.

Authorities, including the Police Sea Borderline Control agency and the Police Search and Rescue unit, are conducting a thorough investigation. Matambu, described as a well-known and experienced boat captain, is highly respected in the Sodwana Bay community. The circumstances surrounding the disappearance raise concerns, especially as the boat was last seen heading north toward Mozambican waters before its burnt hull was discovered.

Source: Africa News

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