With the acquisition of Africa Matters Limited, J.S. Held expands its strategic advisory for the African market.

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The international consulting firm J.S. Held announced the acquisition of Africa Matters Limited, a strategic advising company with an emphasis on Africa that offers business intelligence, stakeholder engagement, and sustainability consulting services.

With offices in Kampala, Uganda, and London, this acquisition expands J.S. Held’s footprint throughout the continent.

Africa Matters Limited provides guidance to investors as they develop and prosper throughout the continent of Africa. The company also assists clients and host governments in identifying areas of agreement and convergence on trade and investment-related problems.

With an emphasis on development finance institutions, private equity organizations, and power production and distribution corporations, Piers provides clients with advice in the financial services and energy sectors.

Baroness Lynda Chalker, the longest-serving minister for Africa and foreign development in the UK, established Africa Matters Limited in 1997.


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