NCAA Sets Up Committee to Investigate Foreign Airlines’ High Fares

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The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), led by Chris Najomo, has established a 10-man committee to probe foreign airlines regarding exorbitant airfares, aiming to enhance affordability for Nigerian travelers.

This initiative follows a two-day meeting between NCAA and foreign airlines, held in Abuja, addressing concerns over inaccessible low-inventory tickets and escalating ticket prices.

Chaired by Horatius Egua, Director of Special Duties at NCAA, the committee is tasked with ensuring foreign airlines comply with government directives to unblock long-inaccessible low-inventory tickets. Additionally, the committee will recommend appropriate ticket pricing in Nigeria compared to other markets in the West African sub-region, promoting fairness and affordability for travelers.

The committee comprises various stakeholders, including Michael Achimugu, Director of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection at NCAA, and representatives from National Association of Nigerian Travel Agencies (NANTA) and Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC).

Source: Business Day

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