Shell Claims Significant Decline in Nigerian Oil Spills After Shutdown.

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In Nigeria’s oil-rich Delta, Shell reported a substantial decrease in oil spills in 2022 due to sabotage, which was caused by the stoppage of operations for six months following assaults.

According to Shell’s annual report, which was obtained by Reuters news, the amount of crude oil spilt as a result of sabotage in the Delta decreased to 600 tonnes from 3,300 tonnes the previous year.
Such leaks decreased from 106 to 75.

Due to an unusual rise in crude oil theft from the Trans Niger, production was halted down for around six months in 2022, which is correlated with a drop in incidences, it stated. Nigeria’s primary onshore oil and gas joint venture SPDC, operated by Shell, has battled for years with operational incidents, theft and sabotage.

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