Nigerian Growth Is Affected By Energy Costs, Pollution, And Other Factors.

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Inappropriate price increases for pre-paid meters “Particularly south of the Sahara, Africa’s domestic gas markets are still underdeveloped or non-existent, and the majority of the continent’s enormous natural gas resources have been produced for export to other parts of the world.

They said that given its negligible beginning point, the usage of natural gas in Africa would have less of an influence on the net world emissions of greenhouse gases.

According to the research, just 3% of the world’s emissions came from Africa, despite having a fifth of the world’s population.

“According to estimates, if Africa uses 50% (90 bcm/y) more natural gas by 2030 than it does now, it will produce cumulative CO2 emissions of 10 gigatons, increasing its contribution to world emissions to 3.5% by 2050.


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