Mobile Subscriptions Increase by 23 million, Reaching 218 million.

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According to the Nigerian Communication Commission’s most recent industry figures, the number of mobile subscriptions in Nigeria increased by 23. 48 million between January and November 2022. This raises the nation’s overall number of mobile subscriptions to 218.61 million.

With 86. 44 million memberships, MTN continues to lead the field in mobile subscriptions. Globacom comes in second with 59. 95 million subscriptions. While 9mobile has 12.84 million mobile subscribers, Airtel has 59.38 million.

As a result, the Federal Government has ordered all telecoms to rigidly apply the policy to all SIMs issued in Nigeria, both existing and new. From April 4, 2022, telephone lines that have not complied with the NIN-SIM linkage policy will no longer be able to make outgoing calls.

Nigeria has the most mobile people in the world. It noted that 18 million new Nigerians will become unique telecom subscribers by 2025. Speaking on the role of mobile connectivity, GSMA said, “In 2021, mobile technologies and services generated around eight per cent of GDP across Sub-Saharan Africa, a contribution that amounted to almost $140bn of economic value added.

By 2025, mobile’s contribution will grow by $65bn (to almost $155bn), as the countries in the region increasingly benefit from the improvements in productivity and efficiency brought about by the increased take-up of mobile services.”


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