IFC Mulls Debt Investment in M-KOPA.

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With operations in Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, and Ghana, M-KOPA (“M-KOPA” or “the Company”) is an established platform that offers necessary goods and services across the African continent on a credit sale basis.

A senior secured loan of up to US$50 million and an additional senior secured loan of up to US$15 million are the proposed investments in M-KOPA Kenya Limited and M-KOPA Uganda Limited, respectively (the “Project”). Within the parameters of the Project, the Company has no plans for new building construction or an extension of the present location.

The initiative comprises the sale and delivery of solar home systems, smart phones, digital financial services, and various household items (such as televisions and refrigerators) to their consumers on a credit sale basis.

The Project’s environmental and social (E&S) evaluation by IFC was carried out in July 2022 and included a virtual meeting with the M-KOPA team on July 6, 2022, as well as a review of the replies to the E&S appraisal questionnaire.


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