OPEC: Half of Africa’s Refining Output will come from Dangote’s 650,000 bpd Facility.

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According to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), more than half of Africa’s total extra distillations would be by the Dangote Refinery’s refining capacity in the medium future.

In its most recent World Oil Outlook (WOO), the international oil cartel, which made this claim; said that the refinery, which has a capacity of 650 000 barrels per day, would receive the lion’s share of the increase, which was to be 1. 2 million barrels per day in the medium future.

In order to meet the rapidly expanding demand in Africa, Ghana and Senegal are also to commission additional unit; the majority of which are modular. Based on robust demand, these expansions may cause refinery throughputs to rise from 1. 8 mb/d in 2021 to 4.8 mb/d in 2045.

When completed, the Dangote integrated refinery and petrochemical complex in the Lekki Free Zone, close to Lagos, Nigeria, would be the largest single-train facility in the whole world.


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