Northeastern Angola Finds 131-Carat Diamond.

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Another gem, a 131 carat white Type IIa diamond, has been recovered, according to Lucapa Diamond and Sociedade. This is the fourth recovered +100 carat diamond in 2022 and the 29th total recovered in Lulo. Angola has demonstrated its vast diamond potential, according to Diamantino Azevedo, Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil, and Gas.

In the Lunda Norte diamond region of Angola, a 3,000 square km concession known as the Lulo mine produced a 131-carat diamond. The 160-carat diamond was in Lulo’s Block 19 by the Australian Lucapa Diamond Company; and its partners eleven days after extraction from the same mine.

“Angola has demonstrated, yet again, its huge diamond potential”; stated Diamantino Azevedo, Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, in a statement

The fourth-largest diamond mine in the world is Lulo; and it is about 630 kilometres to the east of the country’s capital, Luanda. The largest diamond in Angola, a 404.2-carat stone called Lulo, sold for a record-breaking $16 million ($39,580 per carat) in 2016.


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