Joint National Assembly Committee Fast-Tracks 2024 Budget Passage: N27.5 Trillion Set for Approval

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The Joint National Assembly Committee on Appropriation has announced its commitment to passing the 2024 appropriation bill before the week concludes. Chairman of the appropriation committee, Senator Solomon Adeola, set a 48-hour deadline for all sub-committees to submit their reports on the N27.5 trillion budget. The panel aims to facilitate the signing into law of the budget by President Bola Tinubu before the end of December, maintaining the January-December budget cycle.

Key Points:

  1. Aggressive Timeline for Approval:
    • The committee, led by Senator Adeola, is urging all sub-committees to adhere to a 48-hour deadline for submitting their reports. This expedited process is designed to ensure a swift approval of the N27.5 trillion appropriation bill.
  2. Appeal for Timely Submission:
    • Adeola appealed to all committee chairmen to submit their reports promptly, emphasizing the importance of meeting the January-December budget cycle. Failure to submit reports by the specified deadline would empower the appropriation committee to proceed independently with the budget treatment.
  3. Planned Resumption of Plenary:
    • The committee aims to pass the budget upon the resumption of plenary by the National Assembly on December 20. Adeola highlighted the tradition of passing the budget into law by December 31, emphasizing the need for the 10th Senate to adhere to this timeline.
  4. Focus on Specific Issues:
    • While reviewing sub-committee reports, lawmakers raised concerns about the situation of 136 Nigerians trapped in Ethiopian prisons. Additionally, attention was drawn to the N5 billion allocation in the budget for the revamping of the Obudu Cattle Ranch in Cross River State.
  5. Challenges Faced by Nigerians in Diaspora:
    • Committees, including Tourism chaired by Senator Ireti Kingibe and Diaspora and Non-Governmental Organisations led by Senator Victor Umeh, submitted reports highlighting issues faced by Nigerians abroad. Senator Umeh addressed the challenges of Nigerians in foreign prisons, proposing a budget increase for the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM).
  6. Budget Review for Nigerians in Diaspora Commission:
    • Senator Adeola assured a review of NIDCOM’s budget, acknowledging the critical work the commission does. The committee pledged to prioritize new budget lines addressing the situation of Nigerians in foreign prisons, organizing Diaspora summits, and coordinating activities of Nigerians abroad.
  7. Scrutiny of Capital Budget Allocation:
    • Senator Ireti Kingibe raised concerns about allocating over N5 billion to revamp the Obudu Cattle Ranch in a single geopolitical zone. The committee promised to investigate the allocation to ensure transparency in the utilization of funds for the Obudu ranch.

Conclusion: The Joint National Assembly Committee on Appropriation’s commitment to passing the 2024 budget within an aggressive timeframe reflects an effort to maintain the January-December budget cycle. As sub-committees work diligently to submit their reports, attention is given to specific issues, including the challenges faced by Nigerians in foreign prisons and the allocation for the Obudu Cattle Ranch. The scrutiny of budget allocations and responsiveness to identified issues demonstrate the committee’s dedication to ensuring a comprehensive and efficient budget approval process.

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