EFCC Presents N76.586 Billion Budget to House Committee, Citing Need for Vigilance and Expanded Operations

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The Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) defended a budget of N76.586 billion for the next financial year, 2024, before the House of Representatives Committee on Financial Crime. This represents a substantial increase of 53.48% compared to the 2023 Appropriation of N49.901 billion. The EFCC Chairman, Ola Olukoyede, highlighted the need for increased funds to address evolving financial crime challenges, enhance personnel capabilities, and expand operations. The budget includes allocations for personnel costs, overhead, and capital expenditures, with a focus on infrastructure development, personnel expansion, and operational efficiency.

Key Points:

  • Budget Overview:
    • The proposed budget of N76.586 billion for 2024 represents a 53.48% increase over the 2023 Appropriation of N49.901 billion. The majority of this increase is attributed to a rise in personnel costs.
  • Personnel Costs and Overhead:
    • The personnel cost is set to increase from N36.834 billion to N37.074 billion in 2024. Overhead costs are proposed to rise significantly from N10.535 billion to N14.513 billion, reflecting the need for additional resources to carry out the Commission’s mandate effectively.
  • Capital Expenditure:
    • Capital costs are expected to experience a substantial increase from N2.531 billion in 2023 to N25 billion in 2024. The expansion in capital expenditure is driven by the Commission’s plan to embark on expansive projects, including the construction of buildings for its 14 zonal offices.
  • Infrastructure Development:
    • The EFCC aims to address the challenges posed by operating in rented apartments, especially in its zonal offices. The budget includes provisions for constructing buildings across the 14 zonal offices to improve operational efficiency.
  • Operational Challenges and Staffing:
    • The operational demands and the anticipation of bringing in more staff members contribute to the increased personnel and overhead costs. The Commission recognizes the need to fortify its operations, acquire properties, and maintain efficiency across its zonal commands.
  • Resource Allocation for International Collaboration:
    • The Chairman of the Committee emphasized the evolving sophistication of financial crimes, requiring vigilance and strategic resource allocation. Allocating resources for international collaboration would enable the EFCC to share intelligence, coordinate efforts, and bring offenders to justice across jurisdictions.
  • Commitment to Financial Defense:
    • The House Committee underscored the critical importance of its role in defending the nation’s financial landscape. The decisions made regarding the budget are viewed as instrumental in shaping the trajectory of Nigeria’s financial defense strategy and ensuring economic prosperity.

Conclusion: The EFCC’s budget presentation reflects the agency’s commitment to addressing the evolving challenges of financial crimes and enhancing its operational capabilities. The proposed budget, with a significant emphasis on personnel, overhead, and capital expenditure, aims to fortify the Commission’s defenses, support infrastructure development, and enable effective collaboration in combating financial crimes nationally and internationally. The House Committee’s role in reviewing and approving this budget becomes crucial in ensuring the effectiveness of the EFCC in safeguarding Nigeria’s economic well-being.


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