Metered Customers Rise To 4.7million, Registration Stalls At 10million

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Electricity distribution companies’ customer registration exercises have been stagnant at 10 million for the past two years. Further findings also show that about 4% of registered power users (4.7 million) have metered. The Association of Nigerian Electricity Distributors said that the 10 million registered customers and 47% of metered power users as of the fourth quarter of 2021.

In 2019, the percentage of customers metered dropped to 40% in 2019. The association did not explain why the number of metered customers dropped. Metered customers remained at 40% in 2020, increasing to 47% at the end of 2021.

The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission’s quarterly report for the fourth quarter of 2019 stated that as of the fourth quarter of 2019, inadequate metering was a serious challenge in the industry, with only 3,918,322 (37.77%) of the total customer population of 10,374,597 metered.

Although the number of metered customers increased to 47% with the help of the Federal Government’s National Mass Metering Programme, the number of registered customers remained stagnant at 10 million as seen in NERC’s report of 2019, and ANED’s 2021 report.

According to him, the Discos’ customer base was increasing because more people were building new houses and setting up businesses. He says, “Based on the economy, people are building houses and Nigerians are opening businesses.” With that in mind, there is a need to have power connected to such investments.

“I am not condemning the source of your information, but I believe we need to look deep into such claims. I do not believe EKEDC specifically provided any data to show we have been stagnant over the years. Will provide statistics as requested”. Thanks. He, however, did not get back with the data as of press time.


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