Minimum Wage Talks Paused for Further Consultation

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Nigeria’s tripartite committee tasked with negotiating a new minimum wage has temporarily halted discussions to allow for wider consultations with stakeholders. This move comes after a meeting with President Bola Tinubu, who reportedly directed the government team to finalize details regarding the minimum wage requirements.

The Minister of Labour, Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, emphasized the government’s commitment to resolving the issue and highlighted the desire to move forward with other pressing developmental challenges. However, delays are attributed to the need for thorough consultations among relevant parties, including labor unions, employers, and government officials.

Segun Kadri, representing the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, acknowledged the economic difficulties complicating negotiations and emphasized the importance of allowing time for each stakeholder to consult with their constituents. The expectation remains that a new minimum wage will be announced within the next few days.

Source: Business Day

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