Shane Harris is Appointed Chairman/MD of ExxonMobil Nigeria.

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In Nigeria, Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria Limited, Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited, have appointed Shane Harris as their new chairman and managing director.

The announcement said that Harris would take over as lead country manager for ExxonMobil’s three affiliates in Nigeria on July 1, 2023, replacing Richard Laing, who retired from the business after 33 years of service.

Harris served as the chairman and president of ExxonMobil Exploration and Production, Malaysia Incorporated prior to his appointment.

Harris’ response was, “It is an honor to lead the ExxonMobil team in Nigeria and expand on the work that Richard Laing has done over the last three years. Harris has worked with ExxonMobil since 1998. Harris has a variety of leadership, engineering and business assignments in Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Russia and the United States.


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