The NPC has Begun Training for the 2023 Census.

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The National Population Commission has begun training functionaries for the 2023 population and housing census, which will take place from March 29 to April 2, 2023. The Director of Public Affairs, Isiaka Yahaya, stated in a statement that they began the training of census specialized workforce and facilitators, who will then train enumerators, supervisors, field coordinators, data quality assistants, and data quality managers.

It went on to say that the functionaries would be trained on census forms, census applications, data collection processes, interpersonal communication, and basic troubleshooting for Computer Assisted Personal Interviews.

The total number of functionaries to be trained and deployed for the 2023 Census is 786,741, consisting of 623,797 enumerators; 125,944 supervisors; 24,001 data quality assistants, 12,000 field coordinators; 1,000 data quality managers; 1639 training centre administrators and 59,000 local government area level facilitators. The commission has called on all stakeholders to support the exercise to make the census successful.


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