Nigerian Passport Drops 38 Spots in the World Ranking.

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In a ranking of all passports over the past 17 years, the Nigerian passport has dropped 38 positions. From 62nd in 2006 to 100th in 2022, it dropped.

Despite the fact that 46 countries now accept green passport holders without a visa or with a visa on arrival, up from 35 in 2006, Nigerians are still unable to travel to more than 181 other countries.

According to experts, Nigeria’s internal problems are only reflected in the green document’s strength “The Nigeria Immigration Service, which issues passports for Nigeria, thought otherwise.

Visa-free travel is largely a result of bilateral agreements between nations and within regional blocs, according to the report “

Nigeria, according to Okpu, has been listed on the ICAO’s public Key Directory since April 2009 and, therefore, sits in a respectable position in the comity of nations..


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