Discos in Nigeria Increase the Price of Electricity Covertly, and Consumers Pay.

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The rate paid by power consumers across the nation has been surreptitiously hiked by electricity distribution corporations.

However, the Disco made no additional remarks and did not respond to the power users’ inquiries.
The Tariff Band A Non-MD, which went from N57.55 per unit in December to N68.2 per unit, is where the tariff hike was first seen.

“I purchased units of N2,000, which according to the current MYTO should be about 26 or 27 units, but what I observed there was about 21 units, which is confirmation that there is a tariff rise.” On January 1st, they entered a new tariff regime. But there have been other arbitrary increments outside the MYTO regime. However, the one that took effect now is based on the MYTO, as captured in the MYTO 2020 order.”

Additionally, Sanusi Garba, the chairman of NERC, had stated at a news conference that “We would change the rate every six months to take care of the foreign exchange component of costs, and also inflation.


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