FIRS Grants TaxPro Max’s Outstanding Interest and Penalty Waivers.

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According to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), until December 31, 2022, all unpaid interest and penalties imposed on established tax liabilities by the TaxPro Max would be waived once. This was stated by the tax authority in a statement made public and signed by its executive chairman, Muhammad Nami.

The TaxPro Max, a tool for completing tax returns and paying taxes, was introduced and made available by the FIRS in June 2021. According to FIRS, the TaxPro Max has made it simpler and less expensive for taxpayers to comply with tax laws in Nigeria.

Additionally, it claimed that TaxPro Max had a significant impact on the effectiveness of tax collection and the service’s record-breaking performance in 2021.

FIRS stated that it had been granted  the one-off waiver due to complaints from taxpayers who said additional interests and penalties were imposed on them while generating payment reference numbers (PRN) on liabilities. Nami advised taxpayers to take advantage of the waiver and pay all their outstanding tax liabilities.


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