At Shs80 trillion in Debt, a Crisis is Imminent in Uganda.

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Increases in the budget deficit and public debt are likely to hinder Uganda’s capacity to grow economically and place it in a “public debt safety trap” where an excessive reliance on the conclusions of the Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) hides the true state of the debt.

The PDM’s overarching goal, according to Ms. Nalunga, of bringing 17. 5 million Ugandans in 3. 5 million homes out of poverty by completely transforming subsistence households into the money economy, is ill-conceived and not built to address the unique difficulties of the rural economy.

James Owachi, the chief policy analyst at the Cabinet Secretariat, argued that it is too early to pronounce judgment on the PDM. And that one of the functions of government is to address the needs of its constituents.

However, once the Structural Adjustment Programmes were implemented in the 1990s, the government diminished its influence and turned the economy over to the private sector.


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