Industrialists Claim Progress as Rwanda Looks to Expand its Manufacturing Base.

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According to the company’s sales and marketing manager, Master Steel presently manufactures more than 10 different types of building materials, nearly quadrupling its initial output as Rwanda’s housing demands have increased.

He stated that Master Steel, a local company primarily producing steel construction materials, produces over 20,000 tonnes of building materials per month. About four times as much as its original output of about 5,000 tonnes in 2007.

Lack of supplies in Africa, which forces businesses to import, is another problem that has to be resolve. Manufacturers complain that “the cost of packing is quite high,” thus this issue needs to be addressed.

NISR’s yearly estimates of Rwanda’s GDP for 2010–2011, the industrial sector made for 16% of the nation’s total GDP. The manufacturing sector in Rwanda includes the production of food, drinks, tobacco, textiles, apparel, and leather items. It also includes mining and quarrying.


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