EU Plans to Buy 22million Tons of Nigerian Gas Annually.

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With plans to increase gas imports from Nigeria to the tune of 22 million tons annually; the most populous country in Africa would have a chance to generate income. According to a report from the Global Gas Monitor Africa will be the next major source of gas for European nations.

According to the report, Nigeria is second only to Algeria in terms of European interest (29 million tons).
The research named eight more African nations, in addition to Nigeria and Algeria, that would gain from the proposal; including Mauritania (10 million tons), Mozambique (19 million tons), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1.2 million tons), and Tanzania (4 million tons).

This year, the EU designated fossil gas as a transition fuel, calling it “sustainable.” The new agreement is made at a time when gas has been designated as the nation’s transitional fuel.


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