UK Food Supplies Set To Worsen As More Brexit Red Tape Is Introduced Within Weeks, Businesses Warn

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Business owners fear food safety checks set to be introduced from 1 October will make some shipments unviable, but government says its approach has been ‘pragmatic’

The UK’s food supply problems are at risk of getting worse because of additional Brexit red tape which will come into force in a matter of weeks, businesses have warned.

From 1 October the UK will begin carrying out checks on paperwork which must be completed for imports of meat, dairy, and some other types of food from the EU.

On 1 January, physical checks will begin on shipments of the same products. Goods which are not compliant are at risk of being turned away.

Until now, while EU countries have rigorously enforced veterinary and food safety checks on shipments coming from the Great Britain, the government has waived the requirement for goods going the other way.

The rules have also contributed to a “disastrous” decline in British food and drink exports to the EU this year, according to new analysis from the Food and Drink Federation.

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