Ericsson Opens Lab In Canada To Test New 5G Tech

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Ericsson is opening a lab in Ottawa, Canada, to work with customers and partners on new 5G radio access networks (RAN) technologies, the company said on Wednesday.

The Swedish telecoms equipment maker said the technologies would include Open RAN, which would allow mobile operators to build networks that are not tied to a vendor.

“This initiative will help to test the limits of 5G connectivity, working closely with operators and enterprise customers globally, as the industry continues to adopt more open architectures,” said Executive Vice President Fredrik Jejdling.

Ericsson is working with service providers such as KDDI, Orange, Softbank Corp and Turkcell, as well as partners such as Intel and Nvidia.

Nokia last year became here the first major telecoms equipment maker to commit to adding open interfaces in its products that will allow mobile operators to build networks not linked to a vendor.


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